The August 2016 revival of Appalachian Offsets was made possible by grants from the Ray C. Anderson Foundation and the Kendeda Fund.
Energy Evaluations are performed by Land of Sky Waste Reduction Partners and/or Lime Energy.
Energy-efficiency incentives are provided by Duke Energy Progress.
Past supporters of Appalachian Offsets include dozens of local businesses and more than a hundred individuals. Donors have the option for their name to appear in this section.
Check back for updated information as more offsets are purchased.
Thanks to our business and individual supporters for their contributions to Appalachian Offsets!
Appalachian Offsets helps individuals, families, events and businesses who are both concerned with their carbon footprint and also want to strengthen our community-serving organizations. It's a meaningful solution to the global challenge of our time with tangible and local benefits.
We are excited to see this program return. Our solar array helped Samsel Architects reduce our carbon footprint and now Appalachian Offsets has allowed our business to become 100 percent carbon net-zero, while benefiting our community at the same time. Another great program from Green Built Alliance!

Jamie Shelton and family
Rachel and I strive to live sustainably and to preserve our local and global environment. We live in a net-zero-energy home and drive a fuel-efficient car. Figuring out what to do beyond that was not easy though. When Appalachian Offsets was revitalized, it provided us with a clear next step. The calculator was easy to use and it was interesting to see which aspects of our lifestyle we still need to improve. In the meantime, we are thrilled to be able to offset our carbon emissions and help fund great energy-conservation and renewable-energy projects that benefit us as well as the rest of our community.
Of all the gifts we could give children, surely the best, most meaningful gift would be a clean, healthy planet on which they may grow and prosper. As part of their Appalachian Offsets initiative, the Green Built Alliance is planning a solar energy system for Isaac Dickson Elementary School, one of the state's first Net Zero Energy schools. Not only will this project save the school $4.5 million in energy costs, it will give children the opportunity to see renewable energy in action and teach them the importance of responsible stewardship of the earth. We calculated the offsets for the office and are making a further donation to support this important project. We hope you will consider joining us by either calculating your offsets or making a donation.
We have been looking for ways to continue to increase our sustainability efforts, and having tackled production energy, reducing the carbon footprint of our shipping was the next step on that journey. We know there are so many benefits to a panelized home product, but that it is a lot of material to be shipping all at one time, so we did want a way to offset that shipping cost in a way that also gives back to our local community. Appalachian Offsets is a cool local program for learning about the carbon footprint of all aspects of a business beyond even the obvious ones of energy use, and the ability to have funding matched for local solar initiatives this year was really exciting.
Appalachian Offsets for the win! The 'No Farting' policy on the bus could only take us so far. We're proud to offset our carbon footprint by making Asheville more energy efficient.