In early 2017, Opportunity House in Hendersonville received an LED lighting upgrade to save $10,646 per year in energy costs and reduce the nonprofit’s carbon footprint by 47 metric tons annually. With support from Duke Energy’s Small Business Energy Saver program, this $26,036 LED project has a return on investment of 187 percent.
In 2008, Appalachian Offsets completed a low-flow shower retrofit project for the YWCA in Asheville. The new low-flow showerheads save the nonprofit $150 per year in energy costs.
In 2007, Appalachian Offsets completed an energy-efficiency project to change out 13,000 incandescent lightbulbs to CFLs for Asheville Housing Authority residents with the help of UNC Asheville students. This project resulted in a savings of more than $500,000 in energy costs and 3,790 tons of carbon dioxide per year.
We work with local nonprofit organizations to upgrade their lighting and mechanical equipment which reduces their utility bills and carbon footprint. If you are a nonprofit seeking assistance with an energy-efficiency upgrade, please contact us.